Package dns :: Module node :: Class Node
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Class Node

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object --+

A DNS node.

A node is a set of rdatasets

Instance Methods [hide private]
Initialize a DNS node.
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to_text(self, name, **kw)
Convert a node to text format.
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__eq__(self, other)
Two nodes are equal if they have the same rdatasets.
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__ne__(self, other) source code
__len__(self) source code
__iter__(self) source code
dns.rdataset.Rdataset object
find_rdataset(self, rdclass, rdtype, covers=0, create=False)
Find an rdataset matching the specified properties in the current node.
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dns.rdataset.Rdataset object or None
get_rdataset(self, rdclass, rdtype, covers=0, create=False)
Get an rdataset matching the specified properties in the current node.
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delete_rdataset(self, rdclass, rdtype, covers=0)
Delete the rdataset matching the specified properties in the current node.
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replace_rdataset(self, replacement)
Replace an rdataset.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]
list of dns.rdataset.Rdataset objects rdatasets
the node's rdatasets
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Initialize a DNS node.

Overrides: object.__init__

to_text(self, name, **kw)

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Convert a node to text format.

Each rdataset at the node is printed. Any keyword arguments to this method are passed on to the rdataset's to_text() method.

  • name ( object) - the owner name of the rdatasets
Returns: string

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

find_rdataset(self, rdclass, rdtype, covers=0, create=False)

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Find an rdataset matching the specified properties in the current node.

  • rdclass (int) - The class of the rdataset
  • rdtype (int) - The type of the rdataset
  • covers (int) - The covered type. Usually this value is dns.rdatatype.NONE, but if the rdtype is dns.rdatatype.SIG or dns.rdatatype.RRSIG, then the covers value will be the rdata type the SIG/RRSIG covers. The library treats the SIG and RRSIG types as if they were a family of types, e.g. RRSIG(A), RRSIG(NS), RRSIG(SOA). This makes RRSIGs much easier to work with than if RRSIGs covering different rdata types were aggregated into a single RRSIG rdataset.
  • create (bool) - If True, create the rdataset if it is not found.
Returns: dns.rdataset.Rdataset object
  • KeyError - An rdataset of the desired type and class does not exist and create is not True.

get_rdataset(self, rdclass, rdtype, covers=0, create=False)

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Get an rdataset matching the specified properties in the current node.

None is returned if an rdataset of the specified type and class does not exist and create is not True.

  • rdclass (int) - The class of the rdataset
  • rdtype (int) - The type of the rdataset
  • covers (int) - The covered type.
  • create (bool) - If True, create the rdataset if it is not found.
Returns: dns.rdataset.Rdataset object or None

delete_rdataset(self, rdclass, rdtype, covers=0)

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Delete the rdataset matching the specified properties in the current node.

If a matching rdataset does not exist, it is not an error.

  • rdclass (int) - The class of the rdataset
  • rdtype (int) - The type of the rdataset
  • covers (int) - The covered type.

replace_rdataset(self, replacement)

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Replace an rdataset.

It is not an error if there is no rdataset matching replacement.

Ownership of the replacement object is transferred to the node; in other words, this method does not store a copy of replacement at the node, it stores replacement itself.