Package dns :: Module query
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Source Code for Module dns.query

  1  # Copyright (C) Dnspython Contributors, see LICENSE for text of ISC license 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Nominum, Inc. 
  4  # 
  5  # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its 
  6  # documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, 
  7  # provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice 
  8  # appear in all copies. 
  9  # 
 18  """Talk to a DNS server.""" 
 20  from __future__ import generators 
 22  import errno 
 23  import select 
 24  import socket 
 25  import struct 
 26  import sys 
 27  import time 
 29  import dns.exception 
 30  import dns.inet 
 31  import 
 32  import dns.message 
 33  import dns.rcode 
 34  import dns.rdataclass 
 35  import dns.rdatatype 
 36  from ._compat import long, string_types, PY3 
 38  if PY3: 
 39      select_error = OSError 
 40  else: 
 41      select_error = select.error 
 43  # Function used to create a socket.  Can be overridden if needed in special 
 44  # situations. 
 45  socket_factory = socket.socket 
47 -class UnexpectedSource(dns.exception.DNSException):
48 """A DNS query response came from an unexpected address or port."""
49 50
51 -class BadResponse(dns.exception.FormError):
52 """A DNS query response does not respond to the question asked."""
53 54
55 -class TransferError(dns.exception.DNSException):
56 """A zone transfer response got a non-zero rcode.""" 57
58 - def __init__(self, rcode):
59 message = 'Zone transfer error: %s' % dns.rcode.to_text(rcode) 60 super(TransferError, self).__init__(message) 61 self.rcode = rcode
62 63
64 -def _compute_expiration(timeout):
65 if timeout is None: 66 return None 67 else: 68 return time.time() + timeout
69 70 # This module can use either poll() or select() as the "polling backend". 71 # 72 # A backend function takes an fd, bools for readability, writablity, and 73 # error detection, and a timeout. 74
75 -def _poll_for(fd, readable, writable, error, timeout):
76 """Poll polling backend.""" 77 78 event_mask = 0 79 if readable: 80 event_mask |= select.POLLIN 81 if writable: 82 event_mask |= select.POLLOUT 83 if error: 84 event_mask |= select.POLLERR 85 86 pollable = select.poll() 87 pollable.register(fd, event_mask) 88 89 if timeout: 90 event_list = pollable.poll(long(timeout * 1000)) 91 else: 92 event_list = pollable.poll() 93 94 return bool(event_list)
95 96
97 -def _select_for(fd, readable, writable, error, timeout):
98 """Select polling backend.""" 99 100 rset, wset, xset = [], [], [] 101 102 if readable: 103 rset = [fd] 104 if writable: 105 wset = [fd] 106 if error: 107 xset = [fd] 108 109 if timeout is None: 110 (rcount, wcount, xcount) =, wset, xset) 111 else: 112 (rcount, wcount, xcount) =, wset, xset, timeout) 113 114 return bool((rcount or wcount or xcount))
115 116
117 -def _wait_for(fd, readable, writable, error, expiration):
118 # Use the selected polling backend to wait for any of the specified 119 # events. An "expiration" absolute time is converted into a relative 120 # timeout. 121 122 done = False 123 while not done: 124 if expiration is None: 125 timeout = None 126 else: 127 timeout = expiration - time.time() 128 if timeout <= 0.0: 129 raise dns.exception.Timeout 130 try: 131 if not _polling_backend(fd, readable, writable, error, timeout): 132 raise dns.exception.Timeout 133 except select_error as e: 134 if e.args[0] != errno.EINTR: 135 raise e 136 done = True
137 138
139 -def _set_polling_backend(fn):
140 # Internal API. Do not use. 141 142 global _polling_backend 143 144 _polling_backend = fn
145 146 if hasattr(select, 'poll'): 147 # Prefer poll() on platforms that support it because it has no 148 # limits on the maximum value of a file descriptor (plus it will 149 # be more efficient for high values). 150 _polling_backend = _poll_for 151 else: 152 _polling_backend = _select_for 153 154
155 -def _wait_for_readable(s, expiration):
156 _wait_for(s, True, False, True, expiration)
157 158
159 -def _wait_for_writable(s, expiration):
160 _wait_for(s, False, True, True, expiration)
161 162
163 -def _addresses_equal(af, a1, a2):
164 # Convert the first value of the tuple, which is a textual format 165 # address into binary form, so that we are not confused by different 166 # textual representations of the same address 167 try: 168 n1 = dns.inet.inet_pton(af, a1[0]) 169 n2 = dns.inet.inet_pton(af, a2[0]) 170 except dns.exception.SyntaxError: 171 return False 172 return n1 == n2 and a1[1:] == a2[1:]
173 174
175 -def _destination_and_source(af, where, port, source, source_port):
176 # Apply defaults and compute destination and source tuples 177 # suitable for use in connect(), sendto(), or bind(). 178 if af is None: 179 try: 180 af = dns.inet.af_for_address(where) 181 except Exception: 182 af = dns.inet.AF_INET 183 if af == dns.inet.AF_INET: 184 destination = (where, port) 185 if source is not None or source_port != 0: 186 if source is None: 187 source = '' 188 source = (source, source_port) 189 elif af == dns.inet.AF_INET6: 190 destination = (where, port, 0, 0) 191 if source is not None or source_port != 0: 192 if source is None: 193 source = '::' 194 source = (source, source_port, 0, 0) 195 return (af, destination, source)
196 197
198 -def send_udp(sock, what, destination, expiration=None):
199 """Send a DNS message to the specified UDP socket. 200 201 *sock*, a ``socket``. 202 203 *what*, a ``binary`` or ``dns.message.Message``, the message to send. 204 205 *destination*, a destination tuple appropriate for the address family 206 of the socket, specifying where to send the query. 207 208 *expiration*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the absolute time at which 209 a timeout exception should be raised. If ``None``, no timeout will 210 occur. 211 212 Returns an ``(int, float)`` tuple of bytes sent and the sent time. 213 """ 214 215 if isinstance(what, dns.message.Message): 216 what = what.to_wire() 217 _wait_for_writable(sock, expiration) 218 sent_time = time.time() 219 n = sock.sendto(what, destination) 220 return (n, sent_time)
221 222
223 -def receive_udp(sock, destination, expiration=None, 224 ignore_unexpected=False, one_rr_per_rrset=False, 225 keyring=None, request_mac=b'', ignore_trailing=False):
226 """Read a DNS message from a UDP socket. 227 228 *sock*, a ``socket``. 229 230 *destination*, a destination tuple appropriate for the address family 231 of the socket, specifying where the associated query was sent. 232 233 *expiration*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the absolute time at which 234 a timeout exception should be raised. If ``None``, no timeout will 235 occur. 236 237 *ignore_unexpected*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore responses from 238 unexpected sources. 239 240 *one_rr_per_rrset*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, put each RR into its own 241 RRset. 242 243 *keyring*, a ``dict``, the keyring to use for TSIG. 244 245 *request_mac*, a ``binary``, the MAC of the request (for TSIG). 246 247 *ignore_trailing*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore trailing 248 junk at end of the received message. 249 250 Raises if the message is malformed, if network errors occur, of if 251 there is a timeout. 252 253 Returns a ``dns.message.Message`` object. 254 """ 255 256 wire = b'' 257 while 1: 258 _wait_for_readable(sock, expiration) 259 (wire, from_address) = sock.recvfrom(65535) 260 if _addresses_equal(, from_address, destination) or \ 261 (dns.inet.is_multicast(destination[0]) and 262 from_address[1:] == destination[1:]): 263 break 264 if not ignore_unexpected: 265 raise UnexpectedSource('got a response from ' 266 '%s instead of %s' % (from_address, 267 destination)) 268 received_time = time.time() 269 r = dns.message.from_wire(wire, keyring=keyring, request_mac=request_mac, 270 one_rr_per_rrset=one_rr_per_rrset, 271 ignore_trailing=ignore_trailing) 272 return (r, received_time)
274 -def udp(q, where, timeout=None, port=53, af=None, source=None, source_port=0, 275 ignore_unexpected=False, one_rr_per_rrset=False, ignore_trailing=False):
276 """Return the response obtained after sending a query via UDP. 277 278 *q*, a ``dns.message.Message``, the query to send 279 280 *where*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, where 281 to send the message. 282 283 *timeout*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the number of seconds to wait before the 284 query times out. If ``None``, the default, wait forever. 285 286 *port*, an ``int``, the port send the message to. The default is 53. 287 288 *af*, an ``int``, the address family to use. The default is ``None``, 289 which causes the address family to use to be inferred from the form of 290 *where*. If the inference attempt fails, AF_INET is used. This 291 parameter is historical; you need never set it. 292 293 *source*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, specifying 294 the source address. The default is the wildcard address. 295 296 *source_port*, an ``int``, the port from which to send the message. 297 The default is 0. 298 299 *ignore_unexpected*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore responses from 300 unexpected sources. 301 302 *one_rr_per_rrset*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, put each RR into its own 303 RRset. 304 305 *ignore_trailing*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore trailing 306 junk at end of the received message. 307 308 Returns a ``dns.message.Message``. 309 """ 310 311 wire = q.to_wire() 312 (af, destination, source) = _destination_and_source(af, where, port, 313 source, source_port) 314 s = socket_factory(af, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) 315 received_time = None 316 sent_time = None 317 try: 318 expiration = _compute_expiration(timeout) 319 s.setblocking(0) 320 if source is not None: 321 s.bind(source) 322 (_, sent_time) = send_udp(s, wire, destination, expiration) 323 (r, received_time) = receive_udp(s, destination, expiration, 324 ignore_unexpected, one_rr_per_rrset, 325 q.keyring, q.mac, ignore_trailing) 326 finally: 327 if sent_time is None or received_time is None: 328 response_time = 0 329 else: 330 response_time = received_time - sent_time 331 s.close() 332 r.time = response_time 333 if not q.is_response(r): 334 raise BadResponse 335 return r
336 337
338 -def _net_read(sock, count, expiration):
339 """Read the specified number of bytes from sock. Keep trying until we 340 either get the desired amount, or we hit EOF. 341 A Timeout exception will be raised if the operation is not completed 342 by the expiration time. 343 """ 344 s = b'' 345 while count > 0: 346 _wait_for_readable(sock, expiration) 347 n = sock.recv(count) 348 if n == b'': 349 raise EOFError 350 count = count - len(n) 351 s = s + n 352 return s
353 354
355 -def _net_write(sock, data, expiration):
356 """Write the specified data to the socket. 357 A Timeout exception will be raised if the operation is not completed 358 by the expiration time. 359 """ 360 current = 0 361 l = len(data) 362 while current < l: 363 _wait_for_writable(sock, expiration) 364 current += sock.send(data[current:])
365 366
367 -def send_tcp(sock, what, expiration=None):
368 """Send a DNS message to the specified TCP socket. 369 370 *sock*, a ``socket``. 371 372 *what*, a ``binary`` or ``dns.message.Message``, the message to send. 373 374 *expiration*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the absolute time at which 375 a timeout exception should be raised. If ``None``, no timeout will 376 occur. 377 378 Returns an ``(int, float)`` tuple of bytes sent and the sent time. 379 """ 380 381 if isinstance(what, dns.message.Message): 382 what = what.to_wire() 383 l = len(what) 384 # copying the wire into tcpmsg is inefficient, but lets us 385 # avoid writev() or doing a short write that would get pushed 386 # onto the net 387 tcpmsg = struct.pack("!H", l) + what 388 _wait_for_writable(sock, expiration) 389 sent_time = time.time() 390 _net_write(sock, tcpmsg, expiration) 391 return (len(tcpmsg), sent_time)
393 -def receive_tcp(sock, expiration=None, one_rr_per_rrset=False, 394 keyring=None, request_mac=b'', ignore_trailing=False):
395 """Read a DNS message from a TCP socket. 396 397 *sock*, a ``socket``. 398 399 *expiration*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the absolute time at which 400 a timeout exception should be raised. If ``None``, no timeout will 401 occur. 402 403 *one_rr_per_rrset*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, put each RR into its own 404 RRset. 405 406 *keyring*, a ``dict``, the keyring to use for TSIG. 407 408 *request_mac*, a ``binary``, the MAC of the request (for TSIG). 409 410 *ignore_trailing*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore trailing 411 junk at end of the received message. 412 413 Raises if the message is malformed, if network errors occur, of if 414 there is a timeout. 415 416 Returns a ``dns.message.Message`` object. 417 """ 418 419 ldata = _net_read(sock, 2, expiration) 420 (l,) = struct.unpack("!H", ldata) 421 wire = _net_read(sock, l, expiration) 422 received_time = time.time() 423 r = dns.message.from_wire(wire, keyring=keyring, request_mac=request_mac, 424 one_rr_per_rrset=one_rr_per_rrset, 425 ignore_trailing=ignore_trailing) 426 return (r, received_time)
428 -def _connect(s, address):
429 try: 430 s.connect(address) 431 except socket.error: 432 (ty, v) = sys.exc_info()[:2] 433 434 if hasattr(v, 'errno'): 435 v_err = v.errno 436 else: 437 v_err = v[0] 438 if v_err not in [errno.EINPROGRESS, errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EALREADY]: 439 raise v
440 441
442 -def tcp(q, where, timeout=None, port=53, af=None, source=None, source_port=0, 443 one_rr_per_rrset=False, ignore_trailing=False):
444 """Return the response obtained after sending a query via TCP. 445 446 *q*, a ``dns.message.Message``, the query to send 447 448 *where*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, where 449 to send the message. 450 451 *timeout*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the number of seconds to wait before the 452 query times out. If ``None``, the default, wait forever. 453 454 *port*, an ``int``, the port send the message to. The default is 53. 455 456 *af*, an ``int``, the address family to use. The default is ``None``, 457 which causes the address family to use to be inferred from the form of 458 *where*. If the inference attempt fails, AF_INET is used. This 459 parameter is historical; you need never set it. 460 461 *source*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, specifying 462 the source address. The default is the wildcard address. 463 464 *source_port*, an ``int``, the port from which to send the message. 465 The default is 0. 466 467 *one_rr_per_rrset*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, put each RR into its own 468 RRset. 469 470 *ignore_trailing*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore trailing 471 junk at end of the received message. 472 473 Returns a ``dns.message.Message``. 474 """ 475 476 wire = q.to_wire() 477 (af, destination, source) = _destination_and_source(af, where, port, 478 source, source_port) 479 s = socket_factory(af, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) 480 begin_time = None 481 received_time = None 482 try: 483 expiration = _compute_expiration(timeout) 484 s.setblocking(0) 485 begin_time = time.time() 486 if source is not None: 487 s.bind(source) 488 _connect(s, destination) 489 send_tcp(s, wire, expiration) 490 (r, received_time) = receive_tcp(s, expiration, one_rr_per_rrset, 491 q.keyring, q.mac, ignore_trailing) 492 finally: 493 if begin_time is None or received_time is None: 494 response_time = 0 495 else: 496 response_time = received_time - begin_time 497 s.close() 498 r.time = response_time 499 if not q.is_response(r): 500 raise BadResponse 501 return r
502 503
504 -def xfr(where, zone, rdtype=dns.rdatatype.AXFR, rdclass=dns.rdataclass.IN, 505 timeout=None, port=53, keyring=None, keyname=None, relativize=True, 506 af=None, lifetime=None, source=None, source_port=0, serial=0, 507 use_udp=False, keyalgorithm=dns.tsig.default_algorithm):
508 """Return a generator for the responses to a zone transfer. 509 510 *where*. If the inference attempt fails, AF_INET is used. This 511 parameter is historical; you need never set it. 512 513 *zone*, a ```` or ``text``, the name of the zone to transfer. 514 515 *rdtype*, an ``int`` or ``text``, the type of zone transfer. The 516 default is ``dns.rdatatype.AXFR``. ``dns.rdatatype.IXFR`` can be 517 used to do an incremental transfer instead. 518 519 *rdclass*, an ``int`` or ``text``, the class of the zone transfer. 520 The default is ``dns.rdataclass.IN``. 521 522 *timeout*, a ``float``, the number of seconds to wait for each 523 response message. If None, the default, wait forever. 524 525 *port*, an ``int``, the port send the message to. The default is 53. 526 527 *keyring*, a ``dict``, the keyring to use for TSIG. 528 529 *keyname*, a ```` or ``text``, the name of the TSIG 530 key to use. 531 532 *relativize*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, all names in the zone will be 533 relativized to the zone origin. It is essential that the 534 relativize setting matches the one specified to 535 ```` if using this generator to make a zone. 536 537 *af*, an ``int``, the address family to use. The default is ``None``, 538 which causes the address family to use to be inferred from the form of 539 *where*. If the inference attempt fails, AF_INET is used. This 540 parameter is historical; you need never set it. 541 542 *lifetime*, a ``float``, the total number of seconds to spend 543 doing the transfer. If ``None``, the default, then there is no 544 limit on the time the transfer may take. 545 546 *source*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, specifying 547 the source address. The default is the wildcard address. 548 549 *source_port*, an ``int``, the port from which to send the message. 550 The default is 0. 551 552 *serial*, an ``int``, the SOA serial number to use as the base for 553 an IXFR diff sequence (only meaningful if *rdtype* is 554 ``dns.rdatatype.IXFR``). 555 556 *use_udp*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, use UDP (only meaningful for IXFR). 557 558 *keyalgorithm*, a ```` or ``text``, the TSIG algorithm to use. 559 560 Raises on errors, and so does the generator. 561 562 Returns a generator of ``dns.message.Message`` objects. 563 """ 564 565 if isinstance(zone, string_types): 566 zone = 567 if isinstance(rdtype, string_types): 568 rdtype = dns.rdatatype.from_text(rdtype) 569 q = dns.message.make_query(zone, rdtype, rdclass) 570 if rdtype == dns.rdatatype.IXFR: 571 rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(zone, 0, 'IN', 'SOA', 572 '. . %u 0 0 0 0' % serial) 573 q.authority.append(rrset) 574 if keyring is not None: 575 q.use_tsig(keyring, keyname, algorithm=keyalgorithm) 576 wire = q.to_wire() 577 (af, destination, source) = _destination_and_source(af, where, port, 578 source, source_port) 579 if use_udp: 580 if rdtype != dns.rdatatype.IXFR: 581 raise ValueError('cannot do a UDP AXFR') 582 s = socket_factory(af, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) 583 else: 584 s = socket_factory(af, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) 585 s.setblocking(0) 586 if source is not None: 587 s.bind(source) 588 expiration = _compute_expiration(lifetime) 589 _connect(s, destination) 590 l = len(wire) 591 if use_udp: 592 _wait_for_writable(s, expiration) 593 s.send(wire) 594 else: 595 tcpmsg = struct.pack("!H", l) + wire 596 _net_write(s, tcpmsg, expiration) 597 done = False 598 delete_mode = True 599 expecting_SOA = False 600 soa_rrset = None 601 if relativize: 602 origin = zone 603 oname = 604 else: 605 origin = None 606 oname = zone 607 tsig_ctx = None 608 first = True 609 while not done: 610 mexpiration = _compute_expiration(timeout) 611 if mexpiration is None or mexpiration > expiration: 612 mexpiration = expiration 613 if use_udp: 614 _wait_for_readable(s, expiration) 615 (wire, from_address) = s.recvfrom(65535) 616 else: 617 ldata = _net_read(s, 2, mexpiration) 618 (l,) = struct.unpack("!H", ldata) 619 wire = _net_read(s, l, mexpiration) 620 is_ixfr = (rdtype == dns.rdatatype.IXFR) 621 r = dns.message.from_wire(wire, keyring=q.keyring, request_mac=q.mac, 622 xfr=True, origin=origin, tsig_ctx=tsig_ctx, 623 multi=True, first=first, 624 one_rr_per_rrset=is_ixfr) 625 rcode = r.rcode() 626 if rcode != dns.rcode.NOERROR: 627 raise TransferError(rcode) 628 tsig_ctx = r.tsig_ctx 629 first = False 630 answer_index = 0 631 if soa_rrset is None: 632 if not r.answer or r.answer[0].name != oname: 633 raise dns.exception.FormError( 634 "No answer or RRset not for qname") 635 rrset = r.answer[0] 636 if rrset.rdtype != dns.rdatatype.SOA: 637 raise dns.exception.FormError("first RRset is not an SOA") 638 answer_index = 1 639 soa_rrset = rrset.copy() 640 if rdtype == dns.rdatatype.IXFR: 641 if soa_rrset[0].serial <= serial: 642 # 643 # We're already up-to-date. 644 # 645 done = True 646 else: 647 expecting_SOA = True 648 # 649 # Process SOAs in the answer section (other than the initial 650 # SOA in the first message). 651 # 652 for rrset in r.answer[answer_index:]: 653 if done: 654 raise dns.exception.FormError("answers after final SOA") 655 if rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA and == oname: 656 if expecting_SOA: 657 if rrset[0].serial != serial: 658 raise dns.exception.FormError( 659 "IXFR base serial mismatch") 660 expecting_SOA = False 661 elif rdtype == dns.rdatatype.IXFR: 662 delete_mode = not delete_mode 663 # 664 # If this SOA RRset is equal to the first we saw then we're 665 # finished. If this is an IXFR we also check that we're seeing 666 # the record in the expected part of the response. 667 # 668 if rrset == soa_rrset and \ 669 (rdtype == dns.rdatatype.AXFR or 670 (rdtype == dns.rdatatype.IXFR and delete_mode)): 671 done = True 672 elif expecting_SOA: 673 # 674 # We made an IXFR request and are expecting another 675 # SOA RR, but saw something else, so this must be an 676 # AXFR response. 677 # 678 rdtype = dns.rdatatype.AXFR 679 expecting_SOA = False 680 if done and q.keyring and not r.had_tsig: 681 raise dns.exception.FormError("missing TSIG") 682 yield r 683 s.close()