Package dns :: Package rdtypes :: Package ANY :: Module RP :: Class RP
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Class RP

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 object --+    
rdata.Rdata --+

RP record

See Also: RFC 1183

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, rdclass, rdtype, mbox, txt)
Initialize an rdata.
source code
to_text(self, origin=None, relativize=True, **kw)
Convert an rdata to text format.
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to_wire(self, file, compress=None, origin=None)
Convert an rdata to wire format.
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to_digestable(self, origin=None)
Convert rdata to a format suitable for digesting in hashes.
source code
choose_relativity(self, origin=None, relativize=True)
Convert any domain names in the rdata to the specified relativization.
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Inherited from rdata.Rdata: __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __hash__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__, __repr__, __str__, covers, extended_rdatatype, validate

Inherited from rdata.Rdata (private): _cmp

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
from_text(cls, rdclass, rdtype, tok, origin=None, relativize=True) source code
from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None) source code
Instance Variables [hide private] object mbox
The responsible person's mailbox object txt
The owner name of a node with TXT records, or the root name if no TXT records are associated with this RP.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from rdata.Rdata: rdclass, rdtype

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, rdclass, rdtype, mbox, txt)

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Initialize an rdata.

*rdclass*, an ``int`` is the rdataclass of the Rdata. *rdtype*, an ``int`` is the rdatatype of the Rdata.

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

to_text(self, origin=None, relativize=True, **kw)

source code 

Convert an rdata to text format.

Returns a ``text``.

Overrides: rdata.Rdata.to_text
(inherited documentation)

from_text(cls, rdclass, rdtype, tok, origin=None, relativize=True)
Class Method

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Overrides: rdata.Rdata.from_text

to_wire(self, file, compress=None, origin=None)

source code 

Convert an rdata to wire format.

Returns a ``binary``.

Overrides: rdata.Rdata.to_wire
(inherited documentation)

to_digestable(self, origin=None)

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Convert rdata to a format suitable for digesting in hashes. This is also the DNSSEC canonical form.

Returns a ``binary``.

Overrides: rdata.Rdata.to_digestable
(inherited documentation)

from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None)
Class Method

source code 
Overrides: rdata.Rdata.from_wire

choose_relativity(self, origin=None, relativize=True)

source code 

Convert any domain names in the rdata to the specified relativization.

Overrides: rdata.Rdata.choose_relativity
(inherited documentation)