Package dns :: Package rdtypes :: Package ANY :: Module SOA :: Class SOA
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Class SOA

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 object --+    
rdata.Rdata --+

SOA record

See Also: RFC 1035

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, rdclass, rdtype, mname, rname, serial, refresh, retry, expire, minimum)
Initialize an rdata.
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to_text(self, origin=None, relativize=True, **kw)
Convert an rdata to text format.
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to_wire(self, file, compress=None, origin=None)
Convert an rdata to wire format.
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to_digestable(self, origin=None)
Convert rdata to a format suitable for digesting in hashes.
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choose_relativity(self, origin=None, relativize=True)
Convert any domain names in the rdata to the specified relativization.
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Inherited from rdata.Rdata: __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __hash__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__, __repr__, __str__, covers, extended_rdatatype, validate

Inherited from rdata.Rdata (private): _cmp

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
from_text(cls, rdclass, rdtype, tok, origin=None, relativize=True) source code
from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None) source code
Instance Variables [hide private]
int expire
The zone's expiration value (in seconds)
int minimum
The zone's negative caching time (in seconds, called "minimum" for historical reasons) object mname
the SOA MNAME (master name) field
int refresh
The zone's refresh value (in seconds)
int retry
The zone's retry value (in seconds) object rname
the SOA RNAME (responsible name) field
int serial
The zone's serial number
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from rdata.Rdata: rdclass, rdtype

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, rdclass, rdtype, mname, rname, serial, refresh, retry, expire, minimum)

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Initialize an rdata.

*rdclass*, an ``int`` is the rdataclass of the Rdata. *rdtype*, an ``int`` is the rdatatype of the Rdata.

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

to_text(self, origin=None, relativize=True, **kw)

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Convert an rdata to text format.

Returns a ``text``.

Overrides: rdata.Rdata.to_text
(inherited documentation)

from_text(cls, rdclass, rdtype, tok, origin=None, relativize=True)
Class Method

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Overrides: rdata.Rdata.from_text

to_wire(self, file, compress=None, origin=None)

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Convert an rdata to wire format.

Returns a ``binary``.

Overrides: rdata.Rdata.to_wire
(inherited documentation)

to_digestable(self, origin=None)

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Convert rdata to a format suitable for digesting in hashes. This is also the DNSSEC canonical form.

Returns a ``binary``.

Overrides: rdata.Rdata.to_digestable
(inherited documentation)

from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None)
Class Method

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Overrides: rdata.Rdata.from_wire

choose_relativity(self, origin=None, relativize=True)

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Convert any domain names in the rdata to the specified relativization.

Overrides: rdata.Rdata.choose_relativity
(inherited documentation)