dns :: resolver :: LRUCache :: Class LRUCache
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Class LRUCache

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object --+

Bounded least-recently-used DNS answer cache.

This cache is better than the simple cache (above) if you're running a web crawler or other process that does a lot of resolutions. The LRUCache has a maximum number of nodes, and when it is full, the least-recently used node is removed to make space for a new one.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, max_size=100000)
Initialize a DNS cache.
source code
set_max_size(self, max_size) source code
dns.resolver.Answer object or None
get(self, key)
Get the answer associated with key.
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put(self, key, value)
Associate key and value in the cache.
source code
flush(self, key=None)
Flush the cache.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]
dict data
A dictionary of cached data
int max_size
The maximum number of nodes
LRUCacheNode object sentinel
sentinel node for circular doubly linked list of nodes
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, max_size=100000)

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Initialize a DNS cache.

@param max_size: The maximum number of nodes to cache; the default is
100000. Must be > 1.
@type max_size: int

Overrides: object.__init__

get(self, key)

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Get the answer associated with key. Returns None if no answer is cached for the key.

  • key ((dns.name.Name, int, int) tuple whose values are the query name, rdtype, and rdclass.) - the key
Returns: dns.resolver.Answer object or None

put(self, key, value)

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Associate key and value in the cache.

  • key ((dns.name.Name, int, int) tuple whose values are the query name, rdtype, and rdclass.) - the key
  • value (dns.resolver.Answer object) - The answer being cached

flush(self, key=None)

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Flush the cache.

If key is specified, only that item is flushed. Otherwise the entire cache is flushed.

  • key ((dns.name.Name, int, int) tuple or None) - the key to flush