Package dns :: Module rrset :: Class RRset
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Class RRset

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   object --+        
      set.Set --+    
rdataset.Rdataset --+

A DNS RRset (named rdataset).

RRset inherits from Rdataset, and RRsets can be treated as Rdatasets in most cases. There are, however, a few notable exceptions. RRsets have different to_wire() and to_text() method arguments, reflecting the fact that RRsets always have an owner name.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name, rdclass, rdtype, covers=0, deleting=None)
Create a new RRset.
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Make a (shallow) copy of the set.
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__eq__(self, other)
Two RRsets are equal if they have the same name and the same rdataset
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match(self, name, rdclass, rdtype, covers, deleting=None)
Returns True if this rrset matches the specified class, type, covers, and deletion state.
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to_text(self, origin=None, relativize=True, **kw)
Convert the RRset into DNS master file format.
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to_wire(self, file, compress=None, origin=None, **kw)
Convert the RRset to wire format.
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dns.rdataset.Rdataset object
Convert an RRset into an Rdataset.
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Inherited from rdataset.Rdataset: __ne__, add, intersection_update, union_update, update, update_ttl

Inherited from set.Set: __add__, __and__, __copy__, __delitem__, __delslice__, __getitem__, __getslice__, __iadd__, __iand__, __ior__, __isub__, __iter__, __len__, __or__, __sub__, clear, copy, difference, difference_update, discard, intersection, issubset, issuperset, remove, union

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from rdataset.Rdataset: covers, rdclass, rdtype, ttl

Inherited from set.Set: items

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name, rdclass, rdtype, covers=0, deleting=None)

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Create a new RRset.

  • items - the initial set of items
Overrides: object.__init__


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Make a (shallow) copy of the set.

There is a 'clone protocol' that subclasses of this class should use. To make a copy, first call your super's _clone() method, and use the object returned as the new instance. Then make shallow copies of the attributes defined in the subclass.

This protocol allows us to write the set algorithms that return new instances (e.g. union) once, and keep using them in subclasses.

Overrides: set.Set._clone
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

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Two RRsets are equal if they have the same name and the same rdataset

Returns: bool
Overrides: set.Set.__eq__

match(self, name, rdclass, rdtype, covers, deleting=None)

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Returns True if this rrset matches the specified class, type, covers, and deletion state.

Overrides: rdataset.Rdataset.match

to_text(self, origin=None, relativize=True, **kw)

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Convert the RRset into DNS master file format.

  • origin ( object) - The origin for relative names, or None.
  • relativize (bool) - True if names should names be relativized
Overrides: rdataset.Rdataset.to_text

See Also: for more information on how origin and relativize determine the way names are emitted.

Any additional keyword arguments are passed on to the rdata to_text() method.

to_wire(self, file, compress=None, origin=None, **kw)

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Convert the RRset to wire format.

  • name - The owner name of the RRset that will be emitted
  • file - The file to which the wire format data will be appended
  • compress - The compression table to use; the default is None.
  • origin - The origin to be appended to any relative names when they are emitted. The default is None.
Returns: int
the number of records emitted
Overrides: rdataset.Rdataset.to_wire