Package dns :: Module name
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Module name

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DNS Names.

Classes [hide private]
A DNS label is empty.
An escaped code in a text format of DNS name is invalid.
A DNS compression pointer points forward instead of backward.
The label type in DNS name wire format is unknown.
An attempt was made to convert a non-absolute name to wire when there was also a non-absolute (or missing) origin.
A DNS name is > 255 octets long.
A DNS label is > 63 octets long.
An attempt was made to append anything other than the empty name to an absolute DNS name.
An attempt was made to get the parent of the root name or the empty name.
IDNA 2008 processing was requested but the idna module is not available.
IDNA processing raised an exception.
Abstract base class for IDNA encoder/decoders.
IDNA 2003 encoder/decoder.
IDNA 2008 encoder/decoder.
A DNS name.
Functions [hide private]
_escapify(label, unicode_mode=False)
Escape the characters in label which need it.
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Check for empty labels in the middle of a label sequence, labels that are too long, and for too many labels.
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If label is ``text``, convert it to ``binary``.
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from_unicode(text, origin=<DNS name .>, idna_codec=None)
Convert unicode text into a Name object.
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from_text(text, origin=<DNS name .>, idna_codec=None)
Convert text into a Name object.
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from_wire(message, current)
Convert possibly compressed wire format into a Name.
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Variables [hide private]
  have_idna_2008 = False
  maxint = 9223372036854775807
  _escaped = bytearray(b'"().;\\@$')
  IDNA_2003_Practical = IDNA2003Codec(False)
  IDNA_2003_Strict = IDNA2003Codec(True)
  IDNA_2003 = IDNA2003Codec(False)
  IDNA_2008_Practical = IDNA2008Codec(True, False, True, False)
  IDNA_2008_UTS_46 = IDNA2008Codec(True, False, False, False)
  IDNA_2008_Strict = IDNA2008Codec(False, False, False, True)
  IDNA_2008_Transitional = IDNA2008Codec(True, True, False, False)
  IDNA_2008 = IDNA2008Codec(True, False, True, False)
  root = <DNS name .>
  empty = <DNS name @>
  __package__ = 'dns'
Function Details [hide private]

_escapify(label, unicode_mode=False)

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Escape the characters in label which need it.

  • unicode_mode - escapify only special and whitespace (<= 0x20) characters
Returns: string
the escaped string


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Check for empty labels in the middle of a label sequence, labels that are too long, and for too many labels.

Raises ```` if the name as a whole is too long.

Raises ```` if a label is empty (i.e. the root label) and appears in a position other than the end of the label sequence


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If label is ``text``, convert it to ``binary``. If it is already ``binary`` just return it.

from_unicode(text, origin=<DNS name .>, idna_codec=None)

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Convert unicode text into a Name object.

Labels are encoded in IDN ACE form according to rules specified by the IDNA codec.

*text*, a ``text``, is the text to convert into a name.

*origin*, a ````, specifies the origin to append to non-absolute names. The default is the root name.

*idna_codec*, a ````, specifies the IDNA encoder/decoder. If ``None``, the default IDNA 2003 encoder/decoder is used.

Returns a ````.

from_text(text, origin=<DNS name .>, idna_codec=None)

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Convert text into a Name object.

*text*, a ``text``, is the text to convert into a name.

*origin*, a ````, specifies the origin to append to non-absolute names. The default is the root name.

*idna_codec*, a ````, specifies the IDNA encoder/decoder. If ``None``, the default IDNA 2003 encoder/decoder is used.

Returns a ````.

from_wire(message, current)

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Convert possibly compressed wire format into a Name.

*message* is a ``binary`` containing an entire DNS message in DNS wire form.

*current*, an ``int``, is the offset of the beginning of the name from the start of the message

Raises ```` if a compression pointer did not point backwards in the message.

Raises ```` if an invalid label type was encountered.

Returns a ``(, int)`` tuple consisting of the name that was read and the number of bytes of the wire format message which were consumed reading it.