Package dns :: Module query
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Module query

source code

Talk to a DNS server.

Classes [hide private]
A DNS query response came from an unexpected address or port.
A DNS query response does not respond to the question asked.
A zone transfer response got a non-zero rcode.
Functions [hide private]
_compute_expiration(timeout) source code
_poll_for(fd, readable, writable, error, timeout)
Poll polling backend.
source code
_select_for(fd, readable, writable, error, timeout)
Select polling backend.
source code
_wait_for(fd, readable, writable, error, expiration) source code
_set_polling_backend(fn) source code
_polling_backend(fd, readable, writable, error, timeout)
Poll polling backend.
source code
_wait_for_readable(s, expiration) source code
_wait_for_writable(s, expiration) source code
_addresses_equal(af, a1, a2) source code
_destination_and_source(af, where, port, source, source_port) source code
send_udp(sock, what, destination, expiration=None)
Send a DNS message to the specified UDP socket.
source code
receive_udp(sock, destination, expiration=None, ignore_unexpected=False, one_rr_per_rrset=False, keyring=None, request_mac='', ignore_trailing=False)
Read a DNS message from a UDP socket.
source code
udp(q, where, timeout=None, port=53, af=None, source=None, source_port=0, ignore_unexpected=False, one_rr_per_rrset=False, ignore_trailing=False)
Return the response obtained after sending a query via UDP.
source code
_net_read(sock, count, expiration)
Read the specified number of bytes from sock.
source code
_net_write(sock, data, expiration)
Write the specified data to the socket.
source code
send_tcp(sock, what, expiration=None)
Send a DNS message to the specified TCP socket.
source code
receive_tcp(sock, expiration=None, one_rr_per_rrset=False, keyring=None, request_mac='', ignore_trailing=False)
Read a DNS message from a TCP socket.
source code
_connect(s, address) source code
tcp(q, where, timeout=None, port=53, af=None, source=None, source_port=0, one_rr_per_rrset=False, ignore_trailing=False)
Return the response obtained after sending a query via TCP.
source code
xfr(where, zone, rdtype=252, rdclass=1, timeout=None, port=53, keyring=None, keyname=None, relativize=True, af=None, lifetime=None, source=None, source_port=0, serial=0, use_udp=False, keyalgorithm=<DNS name HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT.>)
Return a generator for the responses to a zone transfer.
source code
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'dns'
Function Details [hide private]

send_udp(sock, what, destination, expiration=None)

source code 

Send a DNS message to the specified UDP socket.

*sock*, a ``socket``.

*what*, a ``binary`` or ``dns.message.Message``, the message to send.

*destination*, a destination tuple appropriate for the address family of the socket, specifying where to send the query.

*expiration*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the absolute time at which a timeout exception should be raised. If ``None``, no timeout will occur.

Returns an ``(int, float)`` tuple of bytes sent and the sent time.

receive_udp(sock, destination, expiration=None, ignore_unexpected=False, one_rr_per_rrset=False, keyring=None, request_mac='', ignore_trailing=False)

source code 

Read a DNS message from a UDP socket.

*sock*, a ``socket``.

*destination*, a destination tuple appropriate for the address family of the socket, specifying where the associated query was sent.

*expiration*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the absolute time at which a timeout exception should be raised. If ``None``, no timeout will occur.

*ignore_unexpected*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore responses from unexpected sources.

*one_rr_per_rrset*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, put each RR into its own RRset.

*keyring*, a ``dict``, the keyring to use for TSIG.

*request_mac*, a ``binary``, the MAC of the request (for TSIG).

*ignore_trailing*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore trailing junk at end of the received message.

Raises if the message is malformed, if network errors occur, of if there is a timeout.

Returns a ``dns.message.Message`` object.

udp(q, where, timeout=None, port=53, af=None, source=None, source_port=0, ignore_unexpected=False, one_rr_per_rrset=False, ignore_trailing=False)

source code 

Return the response obtained after sending a query via UDP.

*q*, a ``dns.message.Message``, the query to send

*where*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, where to send the message.

*timeout*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the number of seconds to wait before the query times out. If ``None``, the default, wait forever.

*port*, an ``int``, the port send the message to. The default is 53.

*af*, an ``int``, the address family to use. The default is ``None``, which causes the address family to use to be inferred from the form of *where*. If the inference attempt fails, AF_INET is used. This parameter is historical; you need never set it.

*source*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, specifying the source address. The default is the wildcard address.

*source_port*, an ``int``, the port from which to send the message. The default is 0.

*ignore_unexpected*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore responses from unexpected sources.

*one_rr_per_rrset*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, put each RR into its own RRset.

*ignore_trailing*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore trailing junk at end of the received message.

Returns a ``dns.message.Message``.

_net_read(sock, count, expiration)

source code 

Read the specified number of bytes from sock. Keep trying until we either get the desired amount, or we hit EOF. A Timeout exception will be raised if the operation is not completed by the expiration time.

_net_write(sock, data, expiration)

source code 

Write the specified data to the socket. A Timeout exception will be raised if the operation is not completed by the expiration time.

send_tcp(sock, what, expiration=None)

source code 

Send a DNS message to the specified TCP socket.

*sock*, a ``socket``.

*what*, a ``binary`` or ``dns.message.Message``, the message to send.

*expiration*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the absolute time at which a timeout exception should be raised. If ``None``, no timeout will occur.

Returns an ``(int, float)`` tuple of bytes sent and the sent time.

receive_tcp(sock, expiration=None, one_rr_per_rrset=False, keyring=None, request_mac='', ignore_trailing=False)

source code 

Read a DNS message from a TCP socket.

*sock*, a ``socket``.

*expiration*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the absolute time at which a timeout exception should be raised. If ``None``, no timeout will occur.

*one_rr_per_rrset*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, put each RR into its own RRset.

*keyring*, a ``dict``, the keyring to use for TSIG.

*request_mac*, a ``binary``, the MAC of the request (for TSIG).

*ignore_trailing*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore trailing junk at end of the received message.

Raises if the message is malformed, if network errors occur, of if there is a timeout.

Returns a ``dns.message.Message`` object.

tcp(q, where, timeout=None, port=53, af=None, source=None, source_port=0, one_rr_per_rrset=False, ignore_trailing=False)

source code 

Return the response obtained after sending a query via TCP.

*q*, a ``dns.message.Message``, the query to send

*where*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, where to send the message.

*timeout*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the number of seconds to wait before the query times out. If ``None``, the default, wait forever.

*port*, an ``int``, the port send the message to. The default is 53.

*af*, an ``int``, the address family to use. The default is ``None``, which causes the address family to use to be inferred from the form of *where*. If the inference attempt fails, AF_INET is used. This parameter is historical; you need never set it.

*source*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, specifying the source address. The default is the wildcard address.

*source_port*, an ``int``, the port from which to send the message. The default is 0.

*one_rr_per_rrset*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, put each RR into its own RRset.

*ignore_trailing*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, ignore trailing junk at end of the received message.

Returns a ``dns.message.Message``.

xfr(where, zone, rdtype=252, rdclass=1, timeout=None, port=53, keyring=None, keyname=None, relativize=True, af=None, lifetime=None, source=None, source_port=0, serial=0, use_udp=False, keyalgorithm=<DNS name HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT.>)

source code 

Return a generator for the responses to a zone transfer.

*where*. If the inference attempt fails, AF_INET is used. This parameter is historical; you need never set it.

*zone*, a ```` or ``text``, the name of the zone to transfer.

*rdtype*, an ``int`` or ``text``, the type of zone transfer. The default is ``dns.rdatatype.AXFR``. ``dns.rdatatype.IXFR`` can be used to do an incremental transfer instead.

*rdclass*, an ``int`` or ``text``, the class of the zone transfer. The default is ``dns.rdataclass.IN``.

*timeout*, a ``float``, the number of seconds to wait for each response message. If None, the default, wait forever.

*port*, an ``int``, the port send the message to. The default is 53.

*keyring*, a ``dict``, the keyring to use for TSIG.

*keyname*, a ```` or ``text``, the name of the TSIG key to use.

*relativize*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, all names in the zone will be relativized to the zone origin. It is essential that the relativize setting matches the one specified to ```` if using this generator to make a zone.

*af*, an ``int``, the address family to use. The default is ``None``, which causes the address family to use to be inferred from the form of *where*. If the inference attempt fails, AF_INET is used. This parameter is historical; you need never set it.

*lifetime*, a ``float``, the total number of seconds to spend doing the transfer. If ``None``, the default, then there is no limit on the time the transfer may take.

*source*, a ``text`` containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address, specifying the source address. The default is the wildcard address.

*source_port*, an ``int``, the port from which to send the message. The default is 0.

*serial*, an ``int``, the SOA serial number to use as the base for an IXFR diff sequence (only meaningful if *rdtype* is ``dns.rdatatype.IXFR``).

*use_udp*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, use UDP (only meaningful for IXFR).

*keyalgorithm*, a ```` or ``text``, the TSIG algorithm to use.

Raises on errors, and so does the generator.

Returns a generator of ``dns.message.Message`` objects.