dns :: renderer :: Renderer :: Class Renderer
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Class Renderer

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object --+

Helper class for building DNS wire-format messages.

Most applications can use the higher-level dns.message.Message class and its to_wire() method to generate wire-format messages. This class is for those applications which need finer control over the generation of messages.

Typical use:

   r = dns.renderer.Renderer(id=1, flags=0x80, max_size=512)
   r.add_question(qname, qtype, qclass)
   r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.ANSWER, rrset_1)
   r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.ANSWER, rrset_2)
   r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.AUTHORITY, ns_rrset)
   r.add_edns(0, 0, 4096)
   r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.ADDTIONAL, ad_rrset_1)
   r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.ADDTIONAL, ad_rrset_2)
   r.add_tsig(keyname, secret, 300, 1, 0, '', request_mac)
   wire = r.get_wire()

output, a BytesIO, where rendering is written

id: the message id

flags: the message flags

max_size: the maximum size of the message

origin: the origin to use when rendering relative names

compress: the compression table

section: an int, the section currently being rendered

counts: list of the number of RRs in each section

mac: the MAC of the rendered message (if TSIG was used)

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, id=None, flags=0, max_size=65535, origin=None)
Initialize a new renderer.
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_rollback(self, where)
Truncate the output buffer at offset *where*, and remove any compression table entries that pointed beyond the truncation point.
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_set_section(self, section)
Set the renderer's current section.
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add_question(self, qname, rdtype, rdclass=1)
Add a question to the message.
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add_rrset(self, section, rrset, **kw)
Add the rrset to the specified section.
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add_rdataset(self, section, name, rdataset, **kw)
Add the rdataset to the specified section, using the specified name as the owner name.
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add_edns(self, edns, ednsflags, payload, options=None)
Add an EDNS OPT record to the message.
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add_tsig(self, keyname, secret, fudge, id, tsig_error, other_data, request_mac, algorithm=<DNS name HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT.>)
Add a TSIG signature to the message.
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add_multi_tsig(self, ctx, keyname, secret, fudge, id, tsig_error, other_data, request_mac, algorithm=<DNS name HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT.>)
Add a TSIG signature to the message.
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_write_tsig(self, tsig_rdata, keyname) source code
Write the DNS message header.
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Return the wire format message.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, id=None, flags=0, max_size=65535, origin=None)

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Initialize a new renderer.

Overrides: object.__init__

_set_section(self, section)

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Set the renderer's current section.

Sections must be rendered order: QUESTION, ANSWER, AUTHORITY, ADDITIONAL. Sections may be empty.

Raises dns.exception.FormError if an attempt was made to set a section value less than the current section.

add_rrset(self, section, rrset, **kw)

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Add the rrset to the specified section.

Any keyword arguments are passed on to the rdataset's to_wire() routine.

add_rdataset(self, section, name, rdataset, **kw)

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Add the rdataset to the specified section, using the specified name as the owner name.

Any keyword arguments are passed on to the rdataset's to_wire() routine.

add_multi_tsig(self, ctx, keyname, secret, fudge, id, tsig_error, other_data, request_mac, algorithm=<DNS name HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT.>)

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Add a TSIG signature to the message. Unlike add_tsig(), this can be used for a series of consecutive DNS envelopes, e.g. for a zone transfer over TCP [RFC2845, 4.4].

For the first message in the sequence, give ctx=None. For each subsequent message, give the ctx that was returned from the add_multi_tsig() call for the previous message.


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Write the DNS message header.

Writing the DNS message header is done after all sections have been rendered, but before the optional TSIG signature is added.