Package dns :: Module resolver
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Module resolver

source code

DNS stub resolver.

Classes [hide private]
The DNS query name does not exist.
The DNS query name is too long after DNAME substitution.
The DNS response does not contain an answer to the question.
All nameservers failed to answer the query.
An absolute domain name is required but a relative name was provided.
There is no SOA RR at the DNS root name.
DNS metaqueries are not allowed.
DNS stub resolver answer.
Simple thread-safe DNS answer cache.
LRUCache node.
Thread-safe, bounded, least-recently-used DNS answer cache.
DNS stub resolver.
Functions [hide private]
Get the default resolver, initializing it if necessary.
source code
Re-initialize default resolver.
source code
query(qname, rdtype=1, rdclass=1, tcp=False, source=None, raise_on_no_answer=True, source_port=0, lifetime=None)
Query nameservers to find the answer to the question.
source code
zone_for_name(name, rdclass=1, tcp=False, resolver=None)
Find the name of the zone which contains the specified name.
source code
_getaddrinfo(host=None, service=None, family=0, socktype=0, proto=0, flags=0) source code
_getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags=0) source code
_getfqdn(name=None) source code
_gethostbyname(name) source code
_gethostbyname_ex(name) source code
_gethostbyaddr(ip) source code
Override the system resolver routines in the socket module with versions which use dnspython's resolver.
source code
Undo the effects of prior override_system_resolver().
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Variables [hide private]
  default_resolver = None
  _protocols_for_socktype = {1: [6], 2: [17]}
  _resolver = None
  __package__ = 'dns'
Function Details [hide private]


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Re-initialize default resolver.

Note that the resolver configuration (i.e. /etc/resolv.conf on UNIX systems) will be re-read immediately.

query(qname, rdtype=1, rdclass=1, tcp=False, source=None, raise_on_no_answer=True, source_port=0, lifetime=None)

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Query nameservers to find the answer to the question.

This is a convenience function that uses the default resolver object to make the query.

See ``dns.resolver.Resolver.query`` for more information on the parameters.

zone_for_name(name, rdclass=1, tcp=False, resolver=None)

source code 

Find the name of the zone which contains the specified name.

*name*, an absolute ```` or ``text``, the query name.

*rdclass*, an ``int``, the query class.

*tcp*, a ``bool``. If ``True``, use TCP to make the query.

*resolver*, a ``dns.resolver.Resolver`` or ``None``, the resolver to use. If ``None``, the default resolver is used.

Raises ``dns.resolver.NoRootSOA`` if there is no SOA RR at the DNS root. (This is only likely to happen if you're using non-default root servers in your network and they are misconfigured.)

Returns a ````.


source code 

Override the system resolver routines in the socket module with versions which use dnspython's resolver.

This can be useful in testing situations where you want to control the resolution behavior of python code without having to change the system's resolver settings (e.g. /etc/resolv.conf).

The resolver to use may be specified; if it's not, the default resolver will be used.

resolver, a ``dns.resolver.Resolver`` or ``None``, the resolver to use.