Package dns :: Module zone :: Class Zone
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Class Zone

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object --+

A DNS zone.

A Zone is a mapping from names to nodes. The zone object may be treated like a Python dictionary, e.g. zone[name] will retrieve the node associated with that name. The name may be a object, or it may be a string. In the either case, if the name is relative it is treated as relative to the origin of the zone.

Nested Classes [hide private]
class or callable node_factory
the factory used to create a new node
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, origin, rdclass=1, relativize=True)
Initialize a zone object.
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__eq__(self, other)
Two zones are equal if they have the same origin, class, and nodes.
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__ne__(self, other)
Are two zones not equal?
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_validate_name(self, name) source code
__getitem__(self, key) source code
__setitem__(self, key, value) source code
__delitem__(self, key) source code
__iter__(self) source code
iterkeys(self) source code
keys(self) source code
itervalues(self) source code
values(self) source code
items(self) source code
iteritems(self) source code
get(self, key) source code
__contains__(self, other) source code
dns.node.Node object
find_node(self, name, create=False)
Find a node in the zone, possibly creating it.
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dns.node.Node object or None
get_node(self, name, create=False)
Get a node in the zone, possibly creating it.
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delete_node(self, name)
Delete the specified node if it exists.
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dns.rrset.RRset object
find_rdataset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0, create=False)
Look for rdata with the specified name and type in the zone, and return an rdataset encapsulating it.
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dns.rrset.RRset object
get_rdataset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0, create=False)
Look for rdata with the specified name and type in the zone, and return an rdataset encapsulating it.
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delete_rdataset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0)
Delete the rdataset matching rdtype and covers, if it exists at the node specified by name.
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replace_rdataset(self, name, replacement)
Replace an rdataset at name.
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dns.rrset.RRset object
find_rrset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0)
Look for rdata with the specified name and type in the zone, and return an RRset encapsulating it.
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dns.rrset.RRset object
get_rrset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0)
Look for rdata with the specified name and type in the zone, and return an RRset encapsulating it.
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iterate_rdatasets(self, rdtype=255, covers=0)
Return a generator which yields (name, rdataset) tuples for all rdatasets in the zone which have the specified rdtype and covers.
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iterate_rdatas(self, rdtype=255, covers=0)
Return a generator which yields (name, ttl, rdata) tuples for all rdatas in the zone which have the specified rdtype and covers.
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to_file(self, f, sorted=True, relativize=True, nl=None)
Write a zone to a file.
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to_text(self, sorted=True, relativize=True, nl=None)
Return a zone's text as though it were written to a file.
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Do some simple checking of the zone's origin.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]
dict nodes
A dictionary mapping the names of nodes in the zone to the nodes themselves. object origin
The origin of the zone.
int rdclass
The zone's rdata class; the default is class IN.
bool relativize
should names in the zone be relativized?
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, origin, rdclass=1, relativize=True)

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Initialize a zone object.

  • origin ( object) - The origin of the zone.
  • rdclass (int) - The zone's rdata class; the default is class IN.
Overrides: object.__init__

find_node(self, name, create=False)

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Find a node in the zone, possibly creating it.

  • name ( object or string) - the name of the node to find
  • create (bool) - should the node be created if it doesn't exist?
Returns: dns.node.Node object
  • KeyError - the name is not known and create was not specified.

get_node(self, name, create=False)

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Get a node in the zone, possibly creating it.

This method is like find_node, except it returns None instead of raising an exception if the node does not exist and creation has not been requested.

  • name ( object or string) - the name of the node to find
  • create (bool) - should the node be created if it doesn't exist?
Returns: dns.node.Node object or None

delete_node(self, name)

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Delete the specified node if it exists.

It is not an error if the node does not exist.

find_rdataset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0, create=False)

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Look for rdata with the specified name and type in the zone, and return an rdataset encapsulating it.

The name, rdtype, and covers parameters may be strings, in which case they will be converted to their proper type.

The rdataset returned is not a copy; changes to it will change the zone.

KeyError is raised if the name or type are not found. Use get_rdataset if you want to have None returned instead.

  • name ( object or string) - the owner name to look for
  • rdtype (int or string) - the rdata type desired
  • covers (int or string) - the covered type (defaults to None)
  • create (bool) - should the node and rdataset be created if they do not exist?
Returns: dns.rrset.RRset object
  • KeyError - the node or rdata could not be found

get_rdataset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0, create=False)

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Look for rdata with the specified name and type in the zone, and return an rdataset encapsulating it.

The name, rdtype, and covers parameters may be strings, in which case they will be converted to their proper type.

The rdataset returned is not a copy; changes to it will change the zone.

None is returned if the name or type are not found. Use find_rdataset if you want to have KeyError raised instead.

  • name ( object or string) - the owner name to look for
  • rdtype (int or string) - the rdata type desired
  • covers (int or string) - the covered type (defaults to None)
  • create (bool) - should the node and rdataset be created if they do not exist?
Returns: dns.rrset.RRset object

delete_rdataset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0)

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Delete the rdataset matching rdtype and covers, if it exists at the node specified by name.

The name, rdtype, and covers parameters may be strings, in which case they will be converted to their proper type.

It is not an error if the node does not exist, or if there is no matching rdataset at the node.

If the node has no rdatasets after the deletion, it will itself be deleted.

  • name ( object or string) - the owner name to look for
  • rdtype (int or string) - the rdata type desired
  • covers (int or string) - the covered type (defaults to None)

replace_rdataset(self, name, replacement)

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Replace an rdataset at name.

It is not an error if there is no rdataset matching replacement.

Ownership of the replacement object is transferred to the zone; in other words, this method does not store a copy of replacement at the node, it stores replacement itself.

If the name node does not exist, it is created.

  • name ( object or string) - the owner name
  • replacement (dns.rdataset.Rdataset) - the replacement rdataset

find_rrset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0)

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Look for rdata with the specified name and type in the zone, and return an RRset encapsulating it.

The name, rdtype, and covers parameters may be strings, in which case they will be converted to their proper type.

This method is less efficient than the similar find_rdataset because it creates an RRset instead of returning the matching rdataset. It may be more convenient for some uses since it returns an object which binds the owner name to the rdata.

This method may not be used to create new nodes or rdatasets; use find_rdataset instead.

KeyError is raised if the name or type are not found. Use get_rrset if you want to have None returned instead.

  • name ( object or string) - the owner name to look for
  • rdtype (int or string) - the rdata type desired
  • covers (int or string) - the covered type (defaults to None)
Returns: dns.rrset.RRset object
  • KeyError - the node or rdata could not be found

get_rrset(self, name, rdtype, covers=0)

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Look for rdata with the specified name and type in the zone, and return an RRset encapsulating it.

The name, rdtype, and covers parameters may be strings, in which case they will be converted to their proper type.

This method is less efficient than the similar get_rdataset because it creates an RRset instead of returning the matching rdataset. It may be more convenient for some uses since it returns an object which binds the owner name to the rdata.

This method may not be used to create new nodes or rdatasets; use find_rdataset instead.

None is returned if the name or type are not found. Use find_rrset if you want to have KeyError raised instead.

  • name ( object or string) - the owner name to look for
  • rdtype (int or string) - the rdata type desired
  • covers (int or string) - the covered type (defaults to None)
Returns: dns.rrset.RRset object

iterate_rdatasets(self, rdtype=255, covers=0)

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Return a generator which yields (name, rdataset) tuples for all rdatasets in the zone which have the specified rdtype and covers. If rdtype is dns.rdatatype.ANY, the default, then all rdatasets will be matched.

  • rdtype (int or string) - int or string
  • covers (int or string) - the covered type (defaults to None)

iterate_rdatas(self, rdtype=255, covers=0)

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Return a generator which yields (name, ttl, rdata) tuples for all rdatas in the zone which have the specified rdtype and covers. If rdtype is dns.rdatatype.ANY, the default, then all rdatas will be matched.

  • rdtype (int or string) - int or string
  • covers (int or string) - the covered type (defaults to None)

to_file(self, f, sorted=True, relativize=True, nl=None)

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Write a zone to a file.

  • f - file or string. If f is a string, it is treated as the name of a file to open.
  • sorted - if True, the file will be written with the names sorted in DNSSEC order from least to greatest. Otherwise the names will be written in whatever order they happen to have in the zone's dictionary.
  • relativize (bool) - if True, domain names in the output will be relativized to the zone's origin (if possible).
  • nl (string or None) - The end of line string. If not specified, the output will use the platform's native end-of-line marker (i.e. LF on POSIX, CRLF on Windows, CR on Macintosh).

to_text(self, sorted=True, relativize=True, nl=None)

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Return a zone's text as though it were written to a file.

  • sorted - if True, the file will be written with the names sorted in DNSSEC order from least to greatest. Otherwise the names will be written in whatever order they happen to have in the zone's dictionary.
  • relativize (bool) - if True, domain names in the output will be relativized to the zone's origin (if possible).
  • nl (string or None) - The end of line string. If not specified, the output will use the platform's native end-of-line marker (i.e. LF on POSIX, CRLF on Windows, CR on Macintosh).


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Do some simple checking of the zone's origin.
